jeudi 8 mars 2012

Zombie tart - or the very not pretty lemon tart

2011-04-13 I know this one is extreeeemely ugly. I also know it was a huge success. The green is green food coloring, because I used up an old supply of green colored sugar from our wedding. I suspect it would look a little more brownish (and not so funny) without the coloring.

Lemon tart
3 lemons
sugar to taste (between 1 and 2 cups, possibly more)
1 handful flour
2 oz butter or vegetal butter substitute
1 egg

Roll out your dough in a wide, low pan. Put another, slightly smaller pan (with a very clean bottom, or with some baking paper under it) into the pan, weigh it down if necessary (water is good, some lentils you'll never use can also work, or a handy rock). Pre-bake it in the oven - 15 to 20 minutes at 355°F. It should be hard to touch but it doesn't need to be golden.

Swueeze the juice out of the lemons, put it in a pan with half of the fat and some sugar. Taste the sugar + lemon juice mix so that it's not too acid for your taste. Put the pan over medium heat and stir until the sugar and fat have melted. Take it off the fire.
In another pan, melt the other half of the fat over low heat. Add the flour and stir together. You'll get a sort of solid dough. Don't panic ! Add just a teeny tiny little bit of the lemon-fat-sugar liquid mix. Stir until it has been absorbed by the dough (always on very low heat). Add just a little bit more of the liquid, stir again. Keep working the liquid into the dough until it has a creamy, almost liquid texture. Work slowly, add the liquid in small quantities, stir a lot each time, and you shouldn't get clumps. It takes a little time and a little bit of muscle - but then, I am a weak woman with matchsticks arms.
Now you have something that looks like a creamy filling, take the pan off the fire, add the egg and quickly mix it into the lemon... thing. Put the pan back onto the fire, over low heat, and let it thicken a little white (just keep stirring, just keep stirring).
Pour the filling over the pre-baked dough (don't forget to remove the upper pan before doing so... ). Bake the tart in the oven, 30 minutes, 300°F. It will bubble some and look weird.
Serve it cold.

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