lundi 5 mars 2012

Easy peasy chocolate cake

This is the recipe that started it all, one I wanted to keep track of : just a simple chocolate cake. Not too chocolatey, quickly made and errr... well, quickly eaten, I have to admit. It didn't last 24 hours between just my husband and me. Oopsie ! But hey, chocolate + cake ? It can't be a bad start for a cooking blog !

A few words beforehand : this is unnecessarily complicated. If you want to make vanilla sugar, take a vanilla bean (if it has already been used, let it dry a little before using it. No, it doesn’t have to be brand new), put it in an air-tight container with sugar for a few weeks. That's all it takes. In most cases, you can substitute a small dash of vanilla extract.

Easy peasy chocolate cake
5 eggs
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar (or a dash of vanilla extract)
7 oz dark, unsweetened chocolate
1/2 cup vegetal butter substitute

In a large bowl, mix the eggs and sugar, add the flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar or vanilla extract. Put the butter and chocolate in a small bowl and melt them in the microwave - use the lowest possible heat and only microwave in short spurs, mixing thoroughly in between. Add the chocolate mix to the rest of the batter. You should now have a chocolatey creamy mix. don't eat it right away ! :)
Grease and flour a pan, pour the batter in, bake for 25 minutes at 355°F. Try to wait until you can touch it to eat it (we had trouble with that last point)

2 commentaires:

  1. Can't believe I'm first to post. Great blog and lovely recepes. Can't wait to try out some

  2. Please do, and tell me how they worked for you ! :)
