jeudi 14 février 2013

Not dead YET !

I know, I know, it's been stupidly long since I last updated. I don't even have a valid excuse for letting you all miss on the Christmas baking. Seriously, I'm that bad a blogger, sometimes.
To amend myself, I'm going to go with really simple today. No fancy Valentine thingie, just a simple soup that works wonders for the kids each and every time. Plus, it's in season.

Basic pumpkin soup
1 pumkin slice
3-4 large potatoes, the kind that don't hold well when cooked
chicken or beef stock
1 pinch ground cumin

Peel and dice the pumpkin and potatoes. Put them in your pressure cooker with just enough water to not quite cover the vegetables. Cook for about 20 minutes, until the veggies are soft and squish-able.
Add the cumin and stock. With an immersion blender, mix everything until you have a smooth texture.
This usually gives you a rather hearty soup, I like to add a little bit of oat milk to make it more liquid - and to cool it down, too. My kids love a little bit of ground cheese with theirs. And then they lick their plates clean.

You don't need to be very precise with your proportions for this to work. The pumpkin is here for taste and color, and you need to add a little bit of potato to get a really smooth texture, that's all. I sometimes add some carrots as well.

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